Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation

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We honor students with Excellence...


We actively engage in construction..

Stationary Distribution

We distribute bags and stationery...


We distribute clothes, blankets....


We provide financial support by.....

Food Distribution

We ensure that underprivileged.....

Anurag Bala Parashar

Visionary Inspiration

The Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation is a beacon of hope, dedicated to transforming the lives of underprivileged and deserving children across the nation. Founded with a vision to uplift the marginalized and provide them with a brighter future, the foundation stands as a testament to compassion, empathy, and social responsibility.

The story of the foundation’s inception is one of perseverance and determination. Mrs . Anurag Bala Parashar, the visionary behind the organization, witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by children living in poverty. Having experienced adversity in her own life, he understood the transformative power of education and wanted to ensure that every child had access to this life-changing opportunity.

Driven by an unwavering commitment to create positive change, Mrs. Parashar, along with a group of like-minded individuals, established the Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation. Since its inception, the foundation has worked tirelessly to address the multifaceted challenges faced by underprivileged children and their communities.

Excellence Awards

Anurag Bala Parashar memorial award.

Development Work Done
Excellence Awards Distributed
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Bags, & Stationery Distributed
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Clothes, Blankets & Shawls Distributed
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Over All Feeded
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Development Work Done
Excellence Awards Distributed
0 +
Bags, & Stationery Distributed
0 +
Clothes, Blankets & Shawls Distributed
0 +
Over All Feeded
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Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation

The Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation is a charitable organization committed to improving the lives of underprivileged and deserving children. Our core mission revolves around providing essential resources, including food, education fees, books, stationery, clothes, blankets, and bags. We believe in empowering the next generation of leaders through mentorship and life skills training, while also advocating for children’s rights and fostering community development. Our unwavering dedication is driven by the vision of a world where no child sleeps hungry, where financial constraints never hinder a student’s education or career aspirations, and where society is motivated to prioritize education and sports as essential elements for a brighter future.


The Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation’s mission is to uplift underprivileged children by providing them with food, education fees, books, stationery, clothes, blankets, bags, and contributing to social development for a brighter future. We empower future leaders through mentorship and life skills training, while advocating for their rights and fostering community development. Our transparent and accountable approach ensures that every child receives the support they need to thrive. Our target is add more than 500 children per year. 


The vision of the Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation is a world where no child sleeps hungry, no student is deprived of education due to financial constraints, and no aspiring mind faces career obstacles because of financial limitations. We aspire to inspire and motivate society to prioritize education and sports, creating a nurturing environment where every child’s dreams can be realized, and their potential can be fully unlocked, leading to a brighter and more equitable future for all.


Our Testimonials

अपेक्षा भरत सनाढ्य पुत्रवधु श्री मति अनुराग बाला पाराशर
पार्षद , नगरपालिका शाहपुरा

मैंने अपनी माँ के रूप में अपनी सासू माँ को पाया। और मैंने उनसे इतने कम समय में इतनी अच्छी अच्छी बातों को सीखा जो मेरे जीवन पर्यन्त काम आयेंगी। उनका शिक्षा के बारे में अलग ही नजरिया था। उनकी सेवा निवृति पर जो दृश्य मैंने देखा वो मैं कभी नहीं भूल सकती। ....

कैलाश मण्डेला अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति प्राप्त कवि एवं केन्द्रीय साहित्य अकादमी द्वारा पुरस्कृत साहित्यकार शाहपुरा-राजस्थान

प्रखर मेधावी, श्रेष्ठ कवयित्री, परम विदुषी, नारी संचेतना की प्रतिमूर्ति, कुशल वक्ता, जागरुक शिक्षिका, आदर्श गृहिणी और सामर्थ्यवान लेखिका श्रीमती अनुराग बाला पाराशर जी की स्मृति को चिरस्थायित्व बनाने के लिए स्थापित "श्रीमती अनुराग बाला फाउण्डेशन" ..

Shri Satyendra Mandela Retd. Principal

It is a great pleasure to know that anurag bala foundation has been established.congratulation; hope to succeed in the social,medical, education and other welfare fields.

विष्णु दत्त शर्मा सेवा निवृत शिक्षा उप निदेशक समग्र शिक्षा ,राजस्थान

शौनक परिवार को मां शारदे द्वारा दिए गए नायाब तोहफे के चरणों में शत शत नमन।। एक ऐसा हीरा जिसने अपनी चमक से सिर्फ और सिर्फ उजियारा फैलाया। अनगढ़ शब्दों को अपनी लेखनी में पिरोकर साकार रूप देने की अद्भुत क्षमता की धनी थीं मेरी बुआ स्वर्गीय श्रीमती अनुराग बाला पाराशर।....

मूलचन्द पेसवानी महासचिव, प्रेस क्लब शाहपुरा वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष, प्रेस क्लब भीलवाड़ा प्रदेश सचिव, जर्नलिस्ट्स एसोसियेशन आफ राजस्थान

ख्यातनाम कवियित्री, लेखिका व साहित्यकार अनुराग बाला पाराशर का जन्म भले उत्त्रप्रदेश के कासगंज में हुआ परंतु विवाहोपंरात राजस्थान के शाहपुरा को उन्होंने कर्मस्थली बनाया। वो शाहपुरा में आने के बाद यहीं रच बस गयी थी। काल के क्रुर हाथों ने वर्ष 2022 में नेपाल यात्रा के दौरान पाराशर परिवार को वेदना देकर अनुराग बाला पाराशर को हम सभी से छीन लिया।....

धर्मवीर चौधरी (पार्श्वनाथ प्रिन्टर्स एण्ड स्टेशनर्स ) ‘“डोहरिया वाले” शाहपुरा

गृहस्थ एक बहुत बड़ा तपोवन हैं ओर जीवरता, आत्मविश्वास, धैर्य एवं सहनशक्ति से इस गृहस्थी को आसान बनाया जाता हैं अतिप्रिय माता श्रीमती अनुराग बाला जी पाराशर (धर्मपत्नी डॉ. कमलेश जी पाराशर) का इस दुनिया से अचानक बिछुड़ जाना हृदय.......

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Our Team

Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Parashar
Founder of Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation

Bharat Sanadhya
Co-founder of Anurag Bala Parashar Foundation

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